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Camino 瀏覽器推出 1.0.1 版
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發表人:  ants [ 2006-05-04, 13:00 ]
文章主題 :  Camino 瀏覽器推出 1.0.1 版 最近釋出了微幅更新的瀏覽器 Camino 1.0.1,這是自 Camino 1.0 於今年二月份推出以來的首次更新。Camino 1.0.1 的更新內容對 1.0 版本的使用者而言,主要為安全性與穩定性的更新,建議所有 Camino 的使用者進行更新。


A brief list of major features in Camino 1.0.1:
Since the 1.0 release, we have made the following changes and improvements: * Fixed several critical security issues, including those fixed in version of the Mozilla Gecko rendering engine.
* Upgraded the bundled Java Embedding Plugin ( to version 0.9.5+d
* Improved ad-blocking, especially of German ads
* Enabled the opening of local SVG files
* Fixed an issue where Camino on Intel-based Macs was unable to read Keychain entries stored by Camino on PowerPC-based Macs.

圖檔 軟體下載與更新事項,請前往 Camino 官方頁面

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發表人:  ants [ 2006-05-04, 13:04 ]
文章主題 : 

Multi-lingo version of Camino from does not include Traditional or Simplified Chinese language packs.

applewoods 提供繁體中文語系套件,供需要的朋友使用,有使用 Camino 的朋友,可從 applewoods 下載。因 Camino 的繁體中文語系套件分佈於各程式元件中,為避免整個程式過於龐大不便下載,此套件僅含繁體中文語系,不含程式 (只有 254 KB) 。

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