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Firefox 在 Linux 平台的效能將得到重大提升
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發表人:  adam [ 2011-05-02, 09:54 ]
文章主題 :  Firefox 在 Linux 平台的效能將得到重大提升

Linux users have always been a big part of Firefox‘s vocal fan base, and today a group of Mozilla developers has repaid their devotion with some good news. Mozilla’s Mike Hommey reported this morning that his team of coders finally managed to get both 32 and 64-bit Firefox builds for Linux to compile with GCC 4.5. The updated compiler has been available since April 2010, but Hommey’s team tried twice last year without success to make the switch. Now that they’ve been able to pull it off, Firefox on Linux should perform every bit as well as it does on Windows — with the possible exception of hardware acceleration, where Firefox’s utilization of Direct2D still gives Windows Vista and 7 a performance edge.

發表人:  MilchFlasche [ 2011-05-02, 23:12 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Firefox 在 Linux 平台的效能將得到重大提升

令人喜悅的消息!哈利路亞! :D

發表人:  alex301 [ 2011-05-02, 23:50 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Firefox 在 Linux 平台的效能將得到重大提升

說好的 Mac 版呢?

發表人:  MoonMoon [ 2011-05-08, 12:27 ]
文章主題 :  Re: Firefox 在 Linux 平台的效能將得到重大提升

雖然要待 6.0 才可以享受速度的快感

無聊地也在 Linux 下實測了 firefox 5.0 beta 1(x86_64) 和 firefox 4.0.1(x86_64) 和 firefox 3.6.17(i686) 的 peacekeeper 效能比較

Firefox 5.0 beta 1 比較 firefox 4.0.1 速度大約提升了 28%, 期望 6.0 會再有更爽的表現啊

另外, Firefox 5.0 beta 1 的 OpenGL 硬體加速好像屏閉掉, layers.acceleration.force-enabled 強行啟動的話會全黑畫面, 不知是否 library 的兼容問題?!

檔案註釋: Firefox 5.0 beta 1 Linux 下 peacekeeper 效能比較
peacekeeper_ff50b1.png [61.46 KiB]
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