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Mac OS X 10.4.2 released
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發表人:  ants [ 2005-07-13, 12:21 ]
文章主題 :  Mac OS X 10.4.2 released

Apple released version 10.4.2 of their latest operating system OS X.

The 10.4.2 Update delivers overall improved reliability and compatibility for Mac OS X v10.4 and is recommended for all users. It includes fixes for:
  • file sharing using AFP and SMB/CIFS network file services
  • single sign-on authentication and reliable access to Active Directory servers
  • autologin for managed user accounts
  • AirPort and wireless access
  • Core Graphics, Core Audio, Core Image, including updatedATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
  • Finder updates including finding on Kind and using Slideshow
  • synchronizing your iDisk with .Mac
  • installation reliability
  • managing Dashboard widgets
  • improves stability in Address Book, Automator, iCal, iChat, Mail, Safari, and Stickies applications
  • compatibility with third party applications and devices

For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: Mac OS X Update 10.4.2

An update for Mac OS X Server 10.4.2 is also available.

發表人:  ants [ 2005-07-13, 12:58 ]
文章主題 : 

I also noticed that Safari runs a bit faster, it could be due to rendering CSS first before displaying webpages.

... and the widget for managing Widgets :-)

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