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文章發表於 : 2021-07-31, 20:13 

註冊時間: 2014-03-07, 20:05
文章: 8
@namespace url("");

/* TABS: bottom - Firefox 65 and later - updated for 89+ */
/* ... */
/* ... r_fx89.css */
/* ... er_Toolbox */

/* ROOT - VARS */
/* you can adjust the CSS variables until it looks correct */
/* you can use the Browser Toolbox to get the toolbar heights */

*|*:root {
--tab-toolbar-navbar-overlap: 0px !important;

--tab-min-height: 35px !important;
--tab-min-width: 60px !important;

--tab-adjust: 0px; /* adjust tab bar - only for 68-73 */
--tab-caption: 5px; /* caption buttons on tab bar */


/* TAB BAR - below nav-bar */
#navigator-toolbox toolbar:not(#nav-bar):not(#toolbar-menubar) {-moz-box-ordinal-group:10 !important;}

#TabsToolbar {
-moz-box-ordinal-group:1000 !important;
display: block !important;
position: absolute !important;
bottom: 0 !important;
width: 100vw !important;
color: black !important;


#tabbrowser-tabs {
width: 100vw !important;

/* navigator-toolbox - PADDING */
*|*:root:not([chromehidden*="toolbar"]) #navigator-toolbox {
position: relative !important; /*89+*/
padding-bottom: calc(var(--tab-min-height) + 1px) !important; /*ADJUST*/
background-color: var(--toolbar-bgcolor) !important;

/* TabsToolbar with menubar and titlebar hidden - rules for Firefox 65-73 */
*|*:root[tabsintitlebar]:not([inFullscreen="true"]):not([sizemode="maximized"]) #toolbar-menubar[autohide="true"] ~
bottom: var(--tab-adjust); /*ADJUST*/

/* TABS: height */
#tabbrowser-tabs > .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox,
.tabbrowser-tabs[positionpinnedtabs] > .tabbrowser-tab[pinned] {
min-height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;
max-height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;

#TabsToolbar {
height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;
margin-bottom: 1px !important;
box-shadow: ThreeDShadow 0 -1px inset, -moz-dialog 0 1px !important; /*OPTIONAL*/
background-color: var(--toolbar-bgcolor) !important;
color: var(--toolbar-color) !important;
/* z-index: 1 !important; */

/* indicators *//*
*|*:root[privatebrowsingmode=temporary] .private-browsing-indicator {
position: absolute !important;
display: block !important;
right: 0px !important;
bottom: 0px !important;
width: 14px !important;
pointer-events: none !important;
.private-browsing-indicator {display: none !important;}
.accessibility-indicator {display: none !important;}

/* Indicators - HIDE *//*
*|*:root:not([accessibilitymode]) .accessibility-indicator {display: none !important}
*|*:root:not([privatebrowsingmode=temporary]) .private-browsing-indicator {display: none !important}

/* Drag Space */
.titlebar-spacer[type="post-tabs"] {
width: 20px !important;

/* Override vertical shifts when moving a tab */
#navigator-toolbox[movingtab] > #titlebar > #TabsToolbar {
padding-bottom: unset !important;

#navigator-toolbox[movingtab] #tabbrowser-tabs {
padding-bottom: unset !important;
margin-bottom: unset !important;

#navigator-toolbox[movingtab] > #nav-bar {
margin-top: unset !important;

/* Hide window-controls and caption buttons on Tab Bar */
#TabsToolbar #window-controls {display: none !important;}
#TabsToolbar .titlebar-buttonbox-container {display: none !important;}

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:90.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/90.0
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