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發表人:  BobChao [ 2005-04-17, 18:35 ]
文章主題 : 

ants 寫:
Re: your question in your dragging_mania_3 (requesting verification from Mac users.)

Please see this quick demonstration.

謝囉!我想知道你用什麼錄耶... 很有趣的感覺 :)
(dken 倫倫,那 linux 行不行啊?)

發表人:  ants [ 2005-04-17, 18:42 ]
文章主題 : 

BobChao 寫:
謝囉!我想知道你用什麼錄耶... 很有趣的感覺 :)
I use Snapz Pro X, it's Mac only :-P

It's not cheap, but I take lot of screenshots (you can check my Message Centre), it's really worth the money.

(off topic)
If you are bored, you can check my desktop in action, recorded in Snapz Pro X.

發表人:  kourge [ 2005-04-17, 19:37 ]
文章主題 : 

I just love Exposé ;)

發表人:  BobChao [ 2005-04-17, 20:08 ]
文章主題 : 

多謝 xacid, 英文版完成~
由於修了一些句子,加上我文法爆爛,所以希望大家幫忙 review 一下... 怕我會很羞愧的話,可以寄私人訊息給我 :P

不會啦,怕什麼,貼在這裡就好了。反正錯把馬區當梅姨的事情我都幹過了... (March -> May) ... a_3_en.htm

to ants: 多謝資訊,桌面那招我有看過... 看到你說軟體不便宜我還以為是天價,$69 應該算蠻值得的...

發表人:  ants [ 2005-04-17, 20:42 ]
文章主題 : 

BobChao 寫:
多謝 xacid, 英文版完成~
由於修了一些句子,加上我文法爆爛,所以希望大家幫忙 review 一下...
I noticed a few minor errors, but before I go into that...
I would like to suggest you you use English version of Firefox on an English webpage.

BobChao 寫:
to ants: 多謝資訊,桌面那招我有看過... 看到你說軟體不便宜我還以為是天價,$69 應該算蠻值得的...

Another Desktop in Action movie I made with Snapz Pro X, not featuring Exposé. Enjoy. (QuickTime 5 would work.)

發表人:  xacid [ 2005-04-17, 21:13 ]
文章主題 : 

BobChao 寫:
(dken 倫倫,那 linux 行不行啊?)

nautilus 好像不行...

發表人:  BobChao [ 2005-04-17, 21:16 ]
文章主題 : 

ants 寫:
BobChao 寫:
多謝 xacid, 英文版完成~
由於修了一些句子,加上我文法爆爛,所以希望大家幫忙 review 一下...
I noticed a few minor errors, but before I go into that...
I would like to suggest you you use English version of Firefox on an English webpage.

這部分我想還好,因為我主要是想丟到 SFX 去,也提供原始檔,讓有興趣的人參考這個格式去做... 這種東西很多人提過「可以做」,不過實際動手的實在有限,多丟幾個樣本出去刺激一下應該不錯... (看~易玄兄就被刺激了一個出來 :P)

在我預想的 FAQ 裡有一條就是:

Why you use Chinese Firefox to make the movie with English subtitle?

Well, because that's my default browser. I first made a Chinese version of the movie then translate the subtitle into English. If you would like to see a full-english version, or make a movie like this yourself, you can download the source file below, modify the objects and publish it. :) The movie editor, Wink, is also a freeware, you can get it at .

其他還有「為什麼螢幕這麼小」、「為什麼沒有聲音」、「游標/文字速度太快了」... etc. :P

發表人:  kourge [ 2005-04-17, 22:47 ]
文章主題 : 

You don't even hit enter 應該改成 You don't even have to hit enter

You like the picture 應該改成 You like the image


faster method 應該改成 faster way

Images can also be saved like this, except for that image is a link
上面標粗的部分應該改成 "unless the image is a link"

發表人:  josesun [ 2005-04-18, 00:29 ]
文章主題 : 


發表人:  xacid [ 2005-04-18, 01:43 ]
文章主題 : 

> Tools>Options>Downloads
這個我本來想說只要把 linux 版 Edit 改成 Tools 就好,想不到變成四不像... XD

> faster method 應該改成 faster way
> Images can also be saved like this, except for that image is a link
> 上面標粗的部分應該改成 "unless the image is a link"

發表人:  sanopup [ 2005-04-19, 05:24 ]
文章主題 : 

一行一行校對有點麻煩, 同時開中英文版對照翻譯。

Lots of stuff can be dragged in Firefox. I'll show you three more tricks in this last lesson on dragging.

You can click "Next" for the next step or use the navigation bar on the bottom.

The first trick is "Drag and Search." This is handy for those who use the search function all the time.

(This is the Search Bar)

Before you Drag and Search, select the search engine you want to use. Google is usually the obvious choice, but I'm making this tutorial in offline mode...

Oh, the last one in the list says "Pick me!" Why don't we select it then.

Google is good for general information, library-related search engines are good for books and materials, dictionaries are good for looking up words... Select the search engine suited for your particular need.

Select the keywords you want to use for searching.

Done! You don't even have to hit Enter. Just drag it over to the Search Bar, fast and easy!

Next is "Drag and Save." Let me close this tab and open a folder as the dragging target.

If you see an image you like, you can drag it directly to the folder.

Yes, I know IE can do this, too. I'm just letting you know that Firefox can do the same thing.

There is another trick you can do in Firefox as in IE.

Let me just say this: bookmarks can be dragged, so can links; links can be dragged, so can favicons.

"Why did you do that?"

To save the image, of course! This is fast and useful for saving pictures, especially in albums.
You can also save links to the desktop this way.

The last trick is to be used with the Download Manager. You can choose to disable the "Show Download Manager window when a download begins" from Tools > Options > Downloads, since we have a faster way of doing it.

Add a new entry to your Personal Toolbar named "Download Manager." Use "chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xul" as the location and check the "Load this bookmark in the sidebar."

Not bad, huh?

Now all you have to do is drag the link target you want to download over.

Yes, this is the same as "Save Link As..." If you already chose which folder to download to, it'll automatically save the files there.

This trick can be used to save image files as well, provided the image is not used as a link.

And there you have it. These are the dragging features I use most often in Firefox. If you have any great idea for video clips like this, please contact me:

Please help to improve this "Firefox playground LIVE" tutorial by leaving your comments in viewtopic.php?t=7771 or my SpreadFirefox blog.

Hope to see you again soon. I have entrance exams in a couple of days so please pray for me. I can do more things like this if I pass. :P

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