MozTW 討論區

Mozilla 1.7.5 發行
1 頁 (共 1 頁)

發表人:  小米 [ 2004-12-18, 13:31 ]
文章主題 :  Mozilla 1.7.5 發行



發表人:  ants [ 2004-12-19, 13:38 ]
文章主題 : 

Since the original poster did not post any additional information about this particular release, let me add some.

This is not a major release, this version features a handful of notable changes and improvements including support for the NPRuntime plugin API extension. In addition, Mozilla 1.7.5 implements all the changes in the underlying Gecko code, such as "undetectable" document.all support, that have been implemented in Mozilla Firefox since Mozilla 1.7 and Firefox 0.9 were released in June.

The rendering capabilities of this new application suite software release should be identical to those of Mozilla Firefox 1.0.

Screenshot of Mozilla 1.7.5 under Mac OS X 10.3.7 "Panther"

發表人:  訪客 [ 2004-12-30, 10:57 ]
文章主題 : 

請問可以使用 1.7 的中文語言套件嗎?

發表人:  xdriftdoll [ 2004-12-31, 11:23 ]
文章主題 :  應該是可以…

Anonymous 寫:
請問可以使用 1.7 的中文語言套件嗎?


發表人:  Twinkle Stars [ 2005-01-01, 22:54 ]
文章主題 :  可以用而且沒有「英文」的問題。

xdriftdoll 寫:
Anonymous 寫:
請問可以使用 1.7 的中文語言套件嗎?



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