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Chinese version in Mac?
1 頁 (共 2 頁)

發表人:  ants [ 2004-06-16, 18:23 ]
文章主題 :  Chinese version in Mac?

Hello all,

Not that I need to use Chinese version of Mozilla software, but I just wonder where are the Mac versions?

發表人:  BobChao [ 2004-06-16, 19:24 ]
文章主題 : 

我沒有 Mac... 不過語言套件可以用嗎?

發表人:  kakeru [ 2004-06-16, 21:46 ]
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發表人:  piaip [ 2004-06-16, 23:30 ]
文章主題 : 

kakeru 寫:

目前語言套件配合新的 0.9 架構可能要大改

又,其實之所以我沒有製作 Mac 版的最主要原因是
我沒有 Mac 無法解開 .dmg 的檔案。
如果有人知道在非 Mac 上 怎麼解開歡迎告知...
製作後再重壓回 .dmg 檔

發表人:  kakeru [ 2004-06-17, 05:24 ]
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發表人:  piaip [ 2004-06-17, 13:09 ]
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kakeru 寫:

To create your own disk images or modify an existing disk image, use Disk Utility, located in Applications/Utilities. You can create disk images in Mac OS, MS-DOS (Windows), or Unix formats.

它說可以但沒說 how...

發表人:  ants [ 2004-06-17, 14:02 ]
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piaip 寫:
[...] You can create disk images in Mac OS, MS-DOS (Windows), or Unix formats.

它說可以但沒說 how...
It said you could create disk images in Mac OS, MS-DOS (Windows), or Unix formats.
Not you can create disk images in aforementioned environments.

Actually, you don't need to make dmg (disk image) format for Mac users, although it is a popular option. Just gz or zip the files will do.

However, to give Mac users a friendly feeling of using the application, creating a Package is more important.

發表人:  piaip [ 2004-06-17, 14:58 ]
文章主題 : 

ants 寫:
It said you could create disk images in Mac OS, MS-DOS (Windows), or Unix formats.
Not you can create disk images in aforementioned environments.

Oops, I was wrong...

ants 寫:
Actually, you don't need to make dmg (disk image) format for Mac users, although it is a popular option. Just gz or zip the files will do.

Yes. However without a dmg tool I still cannot get the files inside...
So a tool (maybe only doing extraction) is still required.

creating a Package is more important.

Agree. A packaged version is better than asking user to install
a program then go get seperate lanaguage packs.

發表人:  ants [ 2004-06-17, 21:24 ]
文章主題 : 

ants 寫:
Actually, you don't need to make dmg (disk image) format for Mac users, although it is a popular option. Just gz or zip the files will do.
Sorry, forgot to mention, StuffIt is a better option for Mac users.

piaip 寫:
又,其實之所以我沒有製作 Mac 版的最主要原因是
我沒有 Mac 無法解開 .dmg 的檔案。
如果有人知道在非 Mac 上 怎麼解開歡迎告知...
製作後再重壓回 .dmg 檔
Does anyone know a link to Firefox 0.9 Japanese or other language? I can try to work out how and where they put the language pack.

發表人:  BobChao [ 2004-06-17, 22:04 ]
文章主題 : 

ants 寫:
Does anyone know a link to Firefox 0.9 Japanese or other language? I can try to work out how and where they put the language pack. ... #Firefox09

發表人:  piaip [ 2004-06-17, 23:16 ]
文章主題 : 

piaip 寫:
又,其實之所以我沒有製作 Mac 版的最主要原因是
我沒有 Mac 無法解開 .dmg 的檔案。
如果有人知道在非 Mac 上 怎麼解開歡迎告知...
製作後再重壓回 .dmg 檔
Does anyone know a link to Firefox 0.9 Japanese or other language? I can try to work out how and where they put the language pack.[/quote]
你上面說的是無關引文的還是有關的? sorry 我看不太懂
如果你是在談 Mac/DMG 的問題的話,我想看他們的 langpack

如果你在談 a working Language Pack 的問題的話,
survey 我都有一直在做 ^^; 總是要注意其它人都怎麼處理的。
JLP made a special langpack based on new extension style
and their language switcher extension, just like the langpack
I made for Mozilla Thunderbird.

However the localized builds cannot use extension
style language packs.
This problem is under mlp discussion now...
No one knows what is the best solution. Even JLP solution
now still has some problem.

My localized builds for Firefox used the old style langpack.
However after trying to build the langpack for thunderbird,
now I have got enough knowledge to build one for Firefox.
Please wait I finish it.

發表人:  piaip [ 2004-06-17, 23:38 ]
文章主題 : 

piaip 寫:
My localized builds for Firefox used the old style langpack.
However after trying to build the langpack for thunderbird,
now I have got enough knowledge to build one for Firefox.
Please wait I finish it.

Actually it is done.
使用非 Windows/Linux 的朋友現在可以去使用那個語言套件試試
(見首頁)。 由於時間問題我來不及做完整測試,不過我想應該沒問題

發表人:  ants [ 2004-06-18, 10:01 ]
文章主題 : 

piaip 寫:
ants 寫:
Does anyone know a link to Firefox 0.9 Japanese or other language? I can try to work out how and where they put the language pack.

你上面說的是無關引文的還是有關的? sorry 我看不太懂
如果你是在談 Mac/DMG 的問題的話,我想看他們的 langpack
From my past experience with building Netscape Streamline series and a few Japanese Streamline, I just want to see if I can figure out where they add the language pack in the Mozilla (or Firefox) packages.
And see if I can help on putting one for you.[/quote]

piaip 寫:
My localized builds for Firefox used the old style langpack.
However after trying to build the langpack for thunderbird,
now I have got enough knowledge to build one for Firefox.
Please wait I finish it.
Okay, thanks for the info.
I am sure using English version has far less trouble.

發表人:  ants [ 2004-06-18, 10:03 ]
文章主題 : 

piaip 寫:
Actually it is done.
使用非 Windows/Linux 的朋友現在可以去使用那個語言套件試試
(見首頁)。 由於時間問題我來不及做完整測試,不過我想應該沒問題
Where can I get it?

BTW, we need to prompt Macintosh!

發表人:  piaip [ 2004-06-18, 16:59 ]
文章主題 : 

ants 寫:
Where can I get it?
BTW, we need to prompt Macintosh!
look for the text "語言套件(跨平台,可裝在任意系統的英文 XXX 上)"

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