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 文章主題 : [徵譯者]Localizing Nvu
文章發表於 : 2005-01-28, 21:33 

註冊時間: 2004-06-27, 08:08
文章: 886


Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; zh-TW; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041119 Firefox/1.0
 文章主題 :
文章發表於 : 2005-01-28, 23:40 

註冊時間: 2004-09-27, 09:24
文章: 1685
到時候放到 wiki 上
但是 html 轉 wiki 語法需要一點時間

前面 introduction 第一段是廢話

The localizable resources in Mozilla based products are supposed to be all externalized into editable files, which can be categorized into three groups:

* chrome files: They're an actual part of the application's user interface. These files need to be registered so the application can locate and access them.
Once the resources are registered, they can be reached through a "fake" address path (an URI), like similar way a web page contained in the hard drive of a web server can be accessed through an URL address.
Once chrome resources are registered for several languages, it's easy for the application to bind the "fake" address to the actual location of one of these language resources, so that the UI language can be transparently switched.
In the English distribution of Nvu, these files are packed inside zip archives placed in the binaries chrome/ folder:
o en-US.jar: contains the bulk of the UI language resources, used by the builds of every platform.
o cascades.jar: contains the CSS editor and its localization. You only need to localize the locale folder inside it.
* profile defaults (optional): They're the localized user profile template files used when a new profile is created, and are located into defaults/profile/[country-code]/ binaries folder.
* additional material (optional): In this category can fall all the other files not strictly needed by the application for the conventional operations, like spell checker dictionaries, and so on…

以 Mozilla 為基礎之產品內的可本地化資源要能夠放到外部成可編輯的檔案,並能分成下面三類:

* chrome 檔案: 它們其實是應用程式使用者介面的一部分。這些檔案需要註冊,應用程式才能找到並存取它們。
一但資源註冊了,他們就能透過"假"的網址 ( URI) 來存取,如同在伺服器硬碟裡的網頁可以透過 URL 存取一樣。
一旦 chrome 資源註冊給數種語言後,應用程式要 bind 這個 "假" 位址到語言資源的實際位置就會很容易,所以 UI 的介面可以透明化的即時切換。(註:這裡的"透明化"跟"財務透明化"的"透明化"意思差不多)
在英文版本的 Nvu,這些檔案是被壓縮在 zip 壓縮檔內定放置在 chrome/ 資料夾內:
o en-US.jar: 含有所有的 UI 語言資源,所有平台的版本都用得道。
o cascades.jar: 含有 CSS editor 和本地化結構。你只需要本地化裡面的 locale 資料夾。
* 預設設定檔 (選用): 他們是建立新設定檔時的範本,位於 defaults/profile/[country-code]/ 資料夾。
* 其他東西 (選用): 這一類歸屬於不會影響程式運作的非必要檔案,如拼字檢查字典,等等…

korp + korp 中文站(沒精神更新)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-TW; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041119 Firefox/1.0
 文章主題 :
文章發表於 : 2005-05-07, 18:57 
[MozTW 版主群]

註冊時間: 2003-09-15, 03:47
文章: 1016
來自: Taiwan


一些參與 Mozilla 產品地方化的人用叫 Mozilla Translator 的工具。我個人是不用,不過你可能會覺得它好用。「How to localize Mozilla Firefox」是篇教你用 Mozilla Translator 地方化 Firefox 的好文件。本文大部份適用於 Nvu,不過有些地方可能過時了


起始你的 locale

1. 下載Nvu 的英文版
2. 到 chrome 檔案夾抓 en-US.jar 與 cascades.jar 檔,把它們解壓道空白的檔案路徑。 (這些是一般的 ZIP 檔,任何 zip 工具應都可以處理它們,不過你可能須要把檔名尾改成 .zip。)
3. 移除 content/ 檔案夾,這是不能地方化的 CSS 編輯器用的。
4. 把 en-US/ 檔案夾重命名到你的 locale 碼(zh-tw)。
5. 把所有 contents.rdf 檔裡的 "en-US" 改成你的 locale 碼。



DTD 檔 (*.dtd)

UTF-8 編碼的文字檔,無 BOM (某些編輯器稱這編碼為 UTF-8N)

每個 DTD 檔列出一些實體(entities),這些需翻譯。這裡所定的實體是給作使用者介面的 XUL 檔所用。一個實體宣告(entity declaration)長的如下:
<!ENTITY openCmd.label "Open Web Location...">

Above, to the entity with name/key "openCmd.label", has been assigned the value "Open Web Location...". The entity value is what needs to be localized. Usually the entity name (e.g. "openCmd.label") is self-explanatory: this one is the label of the Open menu command. If this is not enough, the author of the file adds a comment for the localizer. Comments referring to a particular entity are placed right above the entity declaration as:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.7) Gecko/20050414
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